ROW Park

Inspired by nearly 1.5 miles of ugly, mostly barren land under an electrical right of way (ROW). In other words an area with those high voltage electrical lines.

You need at least half a mile for a scale model of the solar system. If you have an area like this, you could install that as part of a park.

I also want a sun dial and other "space" themed educational bits. Plus informational stuff about any plants in the park.

There should be multiple bathrooms. Ideally about every half mile which is four places for the area in question (at each end, two others spaced appropriately). 

I want two individual bathrooms at each place, for a total of eight private restrooms. Individual non gendered bathrooms. Preferably open 24 hours but there are logistical questions involved. 

Passive solar design for the bathrooms that helps keep them cool in summer, warm in winter with a minimum of heat or AC (preferably none if achievable).

Hot water on demand system, not boilers which breed legionella. 

Near each bathroom: Covered areas with several picnic tables. A trash can conveniently close but not so close it causes hygiene issues.

Electrical outlets at all tables and benches.

Per previous writing on this site:

Those "seatless" stainless steel toilets that are resistant to vandalism, motion activated faucets and hot air hand dryers.

I want easy to clean, robust, hard to vandalize fixtures. If a homeless person wants to pee at 2am in freezing temps, the bathrooms need to be clean and functional. 

Most homeless people will clean themselves up IF given the opportunity to do so. Most US cities have too few public bathrooms.

Checklist for development must include: Picnic tables, benches, trash cans, greenery. Also: Water fountains, electrical outlets, free wifi.

Vending machines on site that sell drinks, including Gatorade or similar, and lunches.

Vending machines should take EBT.

Electricity should be supplied by solar power (on roofs above the picnic areas?). Any excess produced can be sold.

Signs should indicate "Vending machines and solar power help defray costs for the park."

Outside food is allowed in.

Scale model of solar system should be as realistic as possible. Every piece of it should have explanatory/educational text nearby.

I imagine this will become a field trip for all the schools.

I think it would also be cool to have separately a large moon showing actual moon terrain and talking about the temps etc and that the mild (around freezing), relatively stable temps at the poles make those areas the best candidates for establishing a colony on the moon.

If space and funding allow, you could also do a kiosk about lunar phases as a space-themed educational thing.

The land in question is broken up into sections by cross streets. I would like each section landscaped differently and a different aromatic plant associated with each section.

There should be informative signs about what kinds of plants are there etc.

One section should be dog friendly but not a dog park. Dogs confined overly much to small homes tend to not be mentally well. They need access to outdoor spaces.

Challenging detail: If it's a ROW, the electric company probably owns the land. All development, including trees, needs to be below their wires and not interfere with their stuff.

IF you can get them to even agree.

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